In today’s rapidly evolving societies, there is a growing concern that fundamental humanitarian values are being undermined. The increasing dependence on space infrastructure, as an enabler of our digital lives, is shifting the balance of powers. Space technology has become integral to our digital existence, leveraging the deployment of complex products such as artificial intelligence, equipped with increasing autonomy levels; key infrastructures, such as navigation, communication, energy, internet are dependent on the proper operation of space capabilities.
Due to this, the significance of space infrastructure in fulfilling the 17 Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) set by the United Nations, addressing the Global Challenges of the Future such as poverty, inequality, climate change, and environmental degradation, has become undeniable. Recognizing the critical role of space in supporting these objectives, there is a growing advocacy for the inclusion of sustainable development of space as a new SDG 18. This underscores the need to protect and manage our extraterrestrial environment with the same urgency and commitment as our planet.
Therefore, our aim is to advocate for the responsible and sustainable development of space in the age of artificial intelligence, by demonstrating its crucial role in mitigating the Global Challenges of the Future.

Who we are
The Society was founded by Ioana Bratu, in February 2022 (Amsterdam, the Netherlands), and is gathering international academics, industry and governmental representatives, lawyers, scientists, experts in security studies, students and young professionals. The Society offers a multidisciplinary forum for exchange of innovative ideas, fostering ground-breaking research in the field of space law and the rules governing and regulating artificial intelligence. Experts from all over the world are joining forces part of our Global Chapters.